- Fashion and Style
- Food and Beverages
- Photography
- Sports
- Travel and Holidays
- Music
- Humour
- Politics
- Technology and Gadgets
- Cars
- Music
and many more.
Here are the type of blogs that are classified respectively to the contents and blogging methods.
- Blogs: Most bloggers that are found in the blogosphere uses this content as one of their methods in sharing ideas and experiences. Example: Blogspot, Xanga, Wordpress. These few websites are easy to create to share with friends and publics on their daily live experiences. It is also usually used as an online diary.
- Vlogs: In other words, video blogs that is usually found in Youtube. Bloggers posts their live experiences recorded and uploaded on Youtube that could be viewed from all around the world.
- Photolog: Flickr, Deviatart, Fotolog are also known as moblog. Moblog is a blog that enables bloggers to post pictures namely photographers. It is the easiest way to share photographs with simple and short descriptions
- Tumblelog/Microblog: One example of a tumbleblog is Tumblr. Tumblr is one of the most popular methods of blogging. It is a fastform and it supports widgets. Another example of a microblog is Twitter has become one of the most popular way of updating the community (friends and family) about their lives. It is a short and simplified way to post messages on the web. Twitter and Tumblr application could be easily downloaded to your mobile phone.
- Linklog: Are blogs with categorized hyperlinks that made easier for the community.
- Liveblog: Liveblog are usually soccer webpages that updates live on scores. One of the examples are EPL Matches.

Blogger.com - An online diary

Youtube.com (Vlog) Free video sharing
Fotolog.com - Photo sharing with family and friends
Audiences or also known as blog readers could only be closely identified by specific topics that are published by blog owners. Blogs are considered as a phenomenal medium in delivering information, the only way to categorised them are by the specific topic bloggers blog about that is easily acquired.
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