Creating a blogging community is easy. These communities already exist; all you have to do is create a blog (Blogspot, Xanga or Wordpress) relating to your type of blog. For example, if your main idea of a blog is posting up vlogs (Youtube) live from your bedroom; the community of vlogs, already exist.
As of creating a blog, links, comments, tags, postings could all be generated. Blogging about sensitive issues would only go against the government and drive your readers away.
Three types of blogging community:-

- One blog centric - Communicate and create a relationship between the writer and their audiences
- Topic centric - Shares the same interests that are grouped together
- Boundaried - A social networking tool of a collection of blog hosts
The types of blogging community fall under the segregated topics you blog about, eg: Politics (, Musics, Photography (, Fashion ( and many others.
- Denise, 2009, How do you build community?, retrieved on 13th November 2oo9, <
- White. N, 2006, Blogs and Community - launching a new paradigm for online community? 11th edition,–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community
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