Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Online Media vs. Print Media

The methods of designing online media versus print media is very different. It is very different in designing an online media as compared to print media.
I will be focusing on two principles of designs.

Online Media: Blogs, Webpages, Vlogs, Moblogs
Print Media: Magazine, Newspaper, Fact Sheet

The main part of a context is usually the headings that captures readers' attention. IT has to be big enough, colored and catchy. According to Reeps (2006), "Headings are organizational cues that alert readers to the sequence of information in a document." Headings on print media are rather big with vibrant colors to capture the reader's attention whereas on online media, headings are usually blend in with the context, it is does not stand out from the context to capture readers. Navigating on online media is much easier compared to print media. In online media, an empty tab will be placed on the top right hand corner of the screen that enables us to find information easily, whereas in print media they are classified into respective subjects that could only be found through the header and footer. (Topic and Page No.)

In print media, the layout of the content is nicely fit into an A3 size paper (2D). Images in print media are vaguely seen whereas in online media, images are clearer with better pixels. The layout for an online media determines on the theme itself. News and Advertisements are nicely fit on to the webpage(1D). Colors that are used in print media are rather dull compared to an online media. Online media colors are more vibrant and it easily captures the reader's attention.

It is hard to say which media is most popular, but many a time, people still prefers the old school way of print media. Because it more reliable compared to an online media where it could be fake/corrupted. The other difference of online media versus print media is that online media provides the scrolling experience than in print media of flipping pages (Nielson, 1999).
Example of Print Media. (The Star)

Example of Online Media. (The Star)


  1. Nielsen J 1999, Differences between print design and web design, online, retrieved 5 November 2009, fromhttp://www.useit.com/alertbox/990124.html

  2. Reep, Diana C. 2006, ‘Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,’ in Technical Writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogging Community and It's Methods

Blogging community is a community that is created with people who share the same common ground. According to Denise (2009), "The blogosphere is already a community." As mentioned by White (2006), "the term ‘online community’ implied a community who interacted online within some bounded set of technologies".

Creating a blogging community is easy. These communities already exist; all you have to do is create a blog (Blogspot, Xanga or Wordpress) relating to your type of blog. For example, if your main idea of a blog is posting up vlogs (Youtube) live from your bedroom; the community of vlogs, already exist.

As of creating a blog, links, comments, tags, postings could all be generated. Blogging about sensitive issues would only go against the government and drive your readers away.

Three types of blogging community:-

  • One blog centric - Communicate and create a relationship between the writer and their audiences
  • Topic centric - Shares the same interests that are grouped together
  • Boundaried - A social networking tool of a collection of blog hosts

The types of blogging community fall under the segregated topics you blog about, eg: Politics (http://chedet.co.cc/chedetblog/), Musics, Photography (http://www.sixthseal.com), Fashion (http://www.cheeserland.com) and many others.


  1. Denise, 2009, How do you build community?, retrieved on 13th November 2oo9, <http://www.blogher.com/how-do-you-build-community

  2. White. N, 2006, Blogs and Community - launching a new paradigm for online community? 11th edition, http://kt.flexiblelearning.net.au/tkt2006/edition-11-editorial/blogs-and-community-–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Different Classification of Blog Genres

There are many types of blogs that are segregated into different section fields. Many bloggers blogs about various kinds of topics. Some blogs specifically into a specified topic. Alike books and magazines, they are classified into different categories for kids (cartoons, comics), teenagers (gadgets, fashion, love stories) and adults (cars, house and politics). These are the few topics that could be found over the net:-

  • Fashion and Style
  • Food and Beverages
  • Photography
  • Sports
  • Travel and Holidays
  • Music
  • Humour
  • Politics
  • Technology and Gadgets
  • Cars
  • Music
and many more.

Here are the type of blogs that are classified respectively to the contents and blogging methods.

  • Blogs: Most bloggers that are found in the blogosphere uses this content as one of their methods in sharing ideas and experiences. Example: Blogspot, Xanga, Wordpress. These few websites are easy to create to share with friends and publics on their daily live experiences. It is also usually used as an online diary.
  • Vlogs: In other words, video blogs that is usually found in Youtube. Bloggers posts their live experiences recorded and uploaded on Youtube that could be viewed from all around the world.
  • Photolog: Flickr, Deviatart, Fotolog are also known as moblog. Moblog is a blog that enables bloggers to post pictures namely photographers. It is the easiest way to share photographs with simple and short descriptions
  • Tumblelog/Microblog: One example of a tumbleblog is Tumblr. Tumblr is one of the most popular methods of blogging. It is a fastform and it supports widgets. Another example of a microblog is Twitter has become one of the most popular way of updating the community (friends and family) about their lives. It is a short and simplified way to post messages on the web. Twitter and Tumblr application could be easily downloaded to your mobile phone.
  • Linklog: Are blogs with categorized hyperlinks that made easier for the community.
  • Liveblog: Liveblog are usually soccer webpages that updates live on scores. One of the examples are EPL Matches.

Blogger.com - An online diary

Youtube.com (Vlog) Free video sharing

Fotolog.com - Photo sharing with family and friends

Tumblr.com - Blogs live

Audiences or also known as blog readers could only be closely identified by specific topics that are published by blog owners. Blogs are considered as a phenomenal medium in delivering information, the only way to categorised them are by the specific topic bloggers blog about that is easily acquired.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blogs: Contemporary Phenomenon and Benefits.

Web Logs are one of the growing phenomenon in the maturity of the World Wide Web.
The abbreviated version of a "weblog" is "blog", which is a webpage that enables an individual to update on the chronicle information of their experiences or knowledge namely food, traveling, fashion, photography, technology, sports and much more.

According to Helmond (2008), there are approximately over a hundred million blogs in the blogosphere as of 2008. Over years, blogs have been increasingly growing throughout the nation. Blogs have become one of the most popular and favourable medium around the world in terms of obtaining information, as an interactive opinionative medium and feedbacks from readers. In support to my point, Educause Learning Initiative (2005) mentioned, "blogs engage people in knowledge sharing, reflection and debate, they often attract a large and dedicated readership".

There are few reasons why weblogs are beneficial to the community.
Here are the reasons why:-
  • Easy to navigate
  • Free
  • Wide extended connection such as Wifi (that could be found in most of the places)
  • Easy to obtain information.


  1. Helmond, A, 2008, How Many Blogs Are There?, retrieved on 14 November 2009,

  2. Educause Learning Intiative, 2005, 7 Things You Should Know About Blogs, retrieved on 14th November 2009,